- 【特大喜讯】热烈祝贺融合公司2024年度5个软著申请已全部成功获批
- 热烈欢迎我区政协副主席冯润胜莅临融合公司及自由鸟公司考察指导
- 融合公司热烈祝贺广州市小贷行业启动十五周年暨协会年度评优颁奖
- 【领导动态】公司领导谭月琴、黄燕芬出席第三届理事会第四次会议暨多维度赋能实践创新成果展示活动
Advantages: Applicable to core companies’ upstream and downstream supply chain customers. Quick solution for short term fund shortages of the aforementioned customers. Optimize supply chain core companies management.
Suitable Users: Leading enterprises and their upstream or downstream cooperative enterprises in various industries located in Guangzhou.
Application Requirements:
1、 核心企业与其上、下游客户企业持续合作1年以上,且均具有良好的合作信用。
At least one year on-going business cooperation between the core company and its upstream or downstream customer, with favorable cooperative credit.
2、 上、下游企业持续经营3年以上,且银行征信记录及经营状况良好。
Upstream or downstream enterprises continue business for at least three years, and with favorable bank credit records and good state of business.
3、 核心企业同意作为上、下游企业的保证人或者愿意通过做货物或债券质押,为其提供授信额度;或上、下游提供产权清晰且无其他经济纠纷的物业进行抵押担保;或提供有价证券、公司股权、物业租赁权、企业应收账款、存货等进行质押担保。
The core company agrees to be the guarantor of its upstream or downstream enterprise or agrees with the pledge of goods or the pledge of bonds to provide the line of credit. Upstream or downstream companies can also provide properties with clearly defined property rights and without other economic disputes as security guarantees. Marketable securities, company equity, property leasehold, company accounts receivable, goods in stock and so on can also be pledge guarantees.